Why Standard Matter

Why Standard Matter

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Can knowledge of technology standards help in professional development?

Yes, it helps to:

• Stay updated on Industry trends,

• Become More Innovative – Understanding the foundational framework of standards can help bridge the gap between technical knowledge and being innovative,

Young Professionals and Startups get access to helpful resources and join other innovators from the industry to shape, influence, and capitalize on the future of technology.

Please attend a two-hour R10Talk Workshop to find out more.

Workshop Outline

1. Why do we need standards & the role of IEEE in them?

2. Standards development process & how to get involved in it?

3. Different platforms available within IEEE SA.

4. What’s the role of students in standards development?

5. Where to look for help or resources?

6. Q&A – All aspects of standards developments?

Topic: Why Standard Matter

Date: 15 April 2023

Time: 3 PM Indian Standard Time (5.30 PM Singapore Standard Time)

Registration: https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/…/rd346eef094f1b2d7f41bd…